Stage Performance

07.2024 Festival Clin d’oeil, Reims, France

Show “Witch”, “Seeds”

05.2024 VV Festival, Washington DC, US

Show “Corrida de toros” , “Witch”, “New York City”

06.2023 Mini VV Festival, Teatr Thenardier, Monteuil, France

Show Siren”, Corrida de toros”, Wine”

11.2022 Sign Language Arts Night, Riksteatern Crea, Stockholm, Sweden

Show We are happy during war”, Teasure VV”

10.2022 Mluvici ruce, Prague, Czech Republic

Show “TIR”, “Polish Eagle”

07.2022 Festival Clin d’oeil, Reims, France

Show “Teasure VV”

06.2022 Teatr Thenardier, Monteuil, France

Show “Witch”, Paris & Coffee”

11.2021 Sign Language Arts Night, Riksteatern Crea, Stockholm, Sweden

Show “Little girl with a box”

08.2021 Féministe AST, Morlhon le Haut, France

Show Feminist Camp”

09.2019 COOLturalny Festiwal Głuchych (COOLtural Festival of the Deaf), Warsaw, Poland

Show Polish Eagle”

09.2019 Seminarium z cyklu „Sztuka łączenia”, Muzeum Śląskie („The Art of Connecting” seminar, Silesian Museum), Katowice, Poland

Show TIR”, School”, Polish Eagle”

05.2019 Muzeum Etnograficzne (Ethnographic Museum), Krakow, Poland

Show Polish Eagle”

09.2018 COOLturalny Festiwal Głuchych (COOLtural Festival of the Deaf), Warsaw, Poland

Show School”

11.2017 I Festiwal Tradycji Literackich (I Festival of Literary Traditions), Wroclaw, Poland

Show TIR”

On-line Performance

08.2023 VOOV, organiser Jianhua Yang, Chine

Show Harley Quinn”

01.2021 ZOOM, organiser LWF, Japan

Show Polish Eagle”

04.2020 World VV Live, Instagram, organiser Erwan Cifra, France

Show Pirate”

VV Workshops

13-14.08.2024 (8h) – ZDGNS, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

20-21.01.2024 (18h) – “Okno na swiat” Association, Gdansk, Poland

07-12.08.2023 (10h) – Association of Polish Sign Language Interpreters, Warsaw, Poland

21-23.04.2023 (20h) – High School for the Deaf, Warsaw, Poland

02-07.08.2021 (6h) – Féministe AST, Morlhon le Haut, France

19-23.07.2021 (20h) – Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland

06-12.09.2020 (18h) – University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

I tutored more 200 hours in different cities in Poland