Stage Performance
10.2024 organiser LWF, Osaka, Japan 🇯🇵
Show “National Day Women”, “Polish dragon castle”
09.2024 organiser STPJM, Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
Show “Witch”, “New York City”
07.2024 Festival Clin d’oeil, Reims, France 🇲🇫
Show “Witch”, “Seeds”
05.2024 VV Festival, Washington DC, US 🇺🇲
Show “Corrida de toros” , “Witch”, “New York City”
06.2023 Mini VV Festival, Teatr Thenardier, Monteuil, France 🇲🇫
Show “Siren”, “Corrida de toros”, “Wine”
11.2022 Sign Language Arts Night, Riksteatern Crea, Stockholm, Sweden 🇸🇪
Show “We are happy during war”, “Teasure VV”
10.2022 Mluvici ruce, Prague, Czech Republic 🇨🇿
Show “TIR”, “Polish Eagle”
07.2022 Festival Clin d’oeil, Reims, France 🇲🇫
Show “Teasure VV”
06.2022 Teatr Thenardier, Monteuil, France 🇲🇫
Show “Witch”, “Paris & Coffee”
11.2021 Sign Language Arts Night, Riksteatern Crea, Stockholm, Sweden 🇸🇪
Show “Little girl with a box”
08.2021 Féministe AST, Morlhon le Haut, France 🇲🇫
Show “Feminist Camp”
09.2019 COOLturalny Festiwal Głuchych (COOLtural Festival of the Deaf), Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
Show “Polish Eagle”
09.2019 Seminarium z cyklu „Sztuka łączenia”, Muzeum Śląskie („The Art of Connecting” seminar, Silesian Museum), Katowice, Poland 🇵🇱
Show “TIR”, “School”, “Polish Eagle”
05.2019 Muzeum Etnograficzne (Ethnographic Museum), Krakow, Poland 🇵🇱
Show “Polish Eagle”
09.2018 COOLturalny Festiwal Głuchych (COOLtural Festival of the Deaf), Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
Show “School”
11.2017 I Festiwal Tradycji Literackich (I Festival of Literary Traditions), Wroclaw, Poland 🇵🇱
Show “TIR”
On-line Performance
08.2023 VOOV, organiser Jianhua Yang, Chine 🇨🇳
Show “Harley Quinn”
01.2021 ZOOM, organiser LWF, Japan 🇯🇵
Show “Polish Eagle”
04.2020 World VV Live, Instagram, organiser Erwan Cifra, France 🇲🇫
Show “Pirate”
VV Workshops
21-22.09.2024 (12h) – “Grupa Migawki” Association, Kraków, Poland 🇵🇱
13-14.08.2024 (8h) – ZDGNS, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 🇸🇮
20-21.01.2024 (18h) – “Okno na swiat” Association, Gdansk, Poland 🇵🇱
07-12.08.2023 (10h) – Association of Polish Sign Language Interpreters, Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
21-23.04.2023 (20h) – High School for the Deaf, Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
02-07.08.2021 (6h) – Féministe AST, Morlhon le Haut, France 🇲🇫
19-23.07.2021 (20h) – Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
06-12.09.2020 (18h) – University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
I tutored more 200 hours in different cities in Poland 🇵🇱