I have dreamed of traveling to Asia for many years. I wanted to see a culture completely different than in Europe, especially South Korea. Besides, I love food and Asian cinema, especially Korean films and series.
Moreover, I didn’t have the courage to go to such a distant country on my own before. So thank you very much to Iain for your support, safety and company.
I have just returned from there, but not from South Korea, because it is too expensive and too far, but from Thailand, because it is cheaper and closer, but the flight to which took over 12 hours.
Thailand turned out to be a colorful land of diversity. Bustling cities with Bangkok at the forefront. Beautiful beaches surrounded by palm trees in mysterious bays. Exotic landscapes. Equally extremely interesting culture. Impressive ancient monuments. Delicious street cuisine (streetfood). Especially the tropical climate compared to winter in Poland! I had an amazing experience and really beautiful views.
On this occasion, I prepared the story „The Mermaid & the Sweet Fish” in VV.
Because today is Valentine’s Day, i.e. the day of lovers, I wish you love and warmth that give meaning to life.

Kategorie: Portfolio